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Winners are losers who don’t give up!

The THDuffield Podcast

Our current world is coming to an end. Much of the world’s population has grown increasingly discontent with things as we’ve known them. We see this all around us in the chaos that seems to be exponentially rising, and the ever-increasing levels of control being imposed by governments and people in power.

What does all this mean and what does the ‘new’ world look like? It’s up to us to have these honest discussions and design the future for ourselves and our children.

Join me as we discuss a wide range of issues including culture, science, religion, politics, finance, technology, mental health, and much more.

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Be a guest on the THDuffield Podcast

I love connecting with people from all walks of life and discussing any topic you might be passionate about.

If you are interested in joining on the podcast as a guest, I look forward to hearing from you.

Please complete the application form by scanning the barcode with your smart phone or click the link.